At any given time, we are operating based on the myriad of stories we carry throughout our lives: Stories we’ve internalized from others, stories that need to be witnessed in order to be expressed, stories that no longer serve us. Part of the therapy process is to understand how these narratives connect and diverge; how they have played a role in getting you to the 'here and now.' Together, we will lay them out like a quilt: the strong and shining next to the loose and frayed.


I work with adults, young adults, and adolescents in individual psychotherapy and psychoanalysis. I also offer clinical supervision and consultation to other therapists. My areas of expertise are depression, anxiety, trauma, loss & bereavement, relationships & intimacy, and issues specific to artists and creative professionals. I have extensive experience working with the lgbtq+ community. I work from an anti-oppression lens that acknowledges marginalized statuses including class, race, ethnicity, ability, citizenship, gender identity, and sexual orientation.

I believe that 'goodness of fit' between therapist and client is the most important factor in successful treatment. I welcome people who have had negative or lackluster experiences in previous therapies and those who are ambivalent about beginning therapy.


My fees are industry standard for NYC.  While I am not in-network with insurance, I can help you navigate out-of-network reimbursement if your plan allows.